VRChat Wikia

Console Commands

Parameters for the following commands will be shown when you type them in...

/avatar - Returns the name of your avatar.
/avatars - Lists all avatar names for use with avatars switching.
/cc - CreateRoom, Allows you to create a channel.
/cleancache - Removes cached avatars and levels.
/cleanpp - Clears player prefs.
/clear - Clears the console screen.
/commands - Lists all commands.
/cr - Allows you to create a channel.
/createroom - Allows you to create a channel.
/exit - Closes VRChat.
/join - Allows you to join a channel.
/kinect - Turns on Kinect Avateering.
/level - Returns the current level that is loaded.
/levels - Lists all level names for use with channel creation.
/link - Shows the link URL to this room.
/menu - Goes to VRChat main menu.
/mm - Goes to VRChat main menu.
/mute - Allows you to mute a player by name.
/name - Returns your name.
/pa - Allows you to play an animation from a custom animation controller.
/ping - Returns ping to server.
/playanim - Allows you to play an animation from a custom animation controller.
/playercount - Number of players in channel.
/players - Lists all players in channel.
/portal - Create a portal to another room.
/ptalk - Enables press to talk.
/respawn - Move you to the place where you entered the room.
/room - Returns your current room name.
/sa - Sets your avatar.
/server - Returns if you are connected to a server.
/setavatar - Sets your avatar.
/setname - Sets your name.
/sn - Sets your name.
/ttalk - Enable toggle talk.
/unmute - Allows you to unmute a player by name.
/web - Allows you to set the URL of a web panel
/webvol - Allows you to set the volume of a web panel for all users from 0.0 to 1.0